engineering services

We offer world class support for companies exploring and excelling in 3D printing

Our robust programs guide clients on their 3D printing journey in order to help them embrace this ever-growing component of Industry 4.0 technology. Read about our various programs below to see what’s right for your business.

consulting & integration assessments our 3-d programs training

consulting & integration services.


We craft strategic integration plans, guiding you from concept to creation. Our skills in project management, technology deployment, and training ensure your ideas are practically applied and operations are smoothly integrated – no matter your experience level.

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AM Capability Enhancement

Leverage our expertise to rejuvenate old or unused 3D printers. We offer targeted training and education to not only revive your technology but also optimize its use. Transform underutilized assets into valuable parts of your manufacturing workflow.

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Part Sourcing

Considering printing parts but hesitant about the initial investment? Adia’s part sourcing is a great way to develop an ROI to support the acquisition of your own equipment. We’ll review designs, validate applications, and connect you with the right partner for your project.

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Software/Process Design Services

Our cutting-edge generative design software features unparalleled design automation and a robust geometry engine, empowering our clients to bring their most ambitious projects to life, projects they could only dream of… until now.

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Indirect Manufacturing (Tooling)

From direct printed parts to the prototyping and production of eggshell casting molds, we support it all. Whether you’re looking to produce silicone, rubber or wax components used to cast metal parts, our support staff has the recommendations and resources you need to get the job done.

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Technology, Equipment, Material Exploration

Adia prioritizes your success, focusing on tailored AM solutions. With 13 years in the field, we sidestep common pitfalls by identifying the most optimal technology, regardless of OEM, to ensure a smooth integration and long-term success.

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adia assessments.

readiness assessment

Is your business a good candidate for 3D Printing? 

Our digital technology readiness assessment for new-to-additive manufacturing clients will help you answer this question. Our 1-day assessments are performed on-site by one of our skilled industry 4.0 advisors. With this assessment, we help you:

  • Determine what knowledge and resources you have, or still need, that will allow you to transition to a digitally-driven operation
  • Map out critical next steps for optimizing 3D printing initiatives
  • Connect with your dedicated Adia representative to guide you through this process, step-by-step
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Evaluative Assessment

Should your business scale its 3D Printing Operations?

Our evaluative assessment for existing additive manufacturing clients will help you measure your organization’s ability to apply or scale the use of 3D technology. This 1-day evaluation is conducted on-site by one of our skilled industry 4.0 advisors. With this assessment, we help you:

  • Identify your key opportunities for strategic growth
  • Chart a plan to achieve this growth
  • Connect with your dedicated Adia representative to guide you through this process, step-by-step
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our detailed 3-D Programs.

your solution

If you’re ready to dive in, consider our special 3D Program: Discover, Develop, Deliver. So, your business has been picturing what it’d be like to reap the benefits of 3D printing? You’ve been dabbling in some research and are ready to dive in? Then welcome to the greatest industry in the world (we’re slightly biased).

Our 3D program (Discover, Develop, Deliver – get it?) has been designed with companies like yours in mind. During each phase of this program we help you achieve the necessary goals in order to successfully implement 3D operations for your business. Take a look at what each phase entails.

01. Discover

Work alongside our trusted advisors to identify 3D applications of strategic interest. We help you build a roadmap to successfully grow your expertise through a preliminary business case and value-complexity matrix.

02. Develop

Minimize your learning curve and costs as our team assists you in developing the necessary design expertise, workflows and best practices that allow you to “hit the ground running” with specific applications.

03. Deliver

We’ll handle the challenges for you. Our tailored consulting services are designed to your specifications, ensuring our collective knowledge, innovative design tools, equipment and extensive network are serving you in ways that make sense.

Some of our consulting services include:


Software/Process Design Services

We utilize nTopology Software, the world’s most diverse generative design toolset, equipped with unique design automation capabilities and unbreakable geometry engine, so our clients can tackle projects they’ve only dreamt about…until now.


Indirect Manufacturing (Tooling)

From direct printed parts to the prototyping and production of eggshell casting molds, we support it all. Whether you’re looking to produce silicone, rubber or wax components used to mold metal parts, our support staff has the recommendations and resources you need to get the job done.


Outsourced Part Printing for Your Projects

Augment your supply chain while you’re in the process of establishing your internal additive manufacturing strategy. Leverage our in-house expertise or extensive network for part-printing so not a minute goes to waste.


Optimize your 3D operations and stay up-to-date on industry best practices with our training modules. Don’t miss a beat on the latest industry trends when you have us on your side.

Operator Trainings and Retraining Certifications

Your in-house team is a critical component of a smooth 3D printing operation. For each printer delivered, we offer comprehensive operator training as well as on-site re-training for any new employees who join your team.

3D Systems Software Training

Whatever your dream, Adia provides training modules for some of the most powerful software tools available through the Geomagic Suite of products, as well as 3D Sprint. These include:

  • On-site or classroom training for Geomagic Design X, Wrap, Control, Sculpt, and Freeform
  • On-side or classroom training for 3D Systems 3D Sprint Software

Custom 3D Design Workshops

Our immersive workshop is by far the fastest way to learn 3D printing. This workshop is custom-designed to fit the needs of your business, beginning with the foundation to improve your team’s ability to design, analyze and produce effective 3D printed parts – that look like they’re from another world!

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