Inkbit 3D Printing
Additive Manufacturing for Industrial Production

Inkbit Vista™, powered by VCJ, is an additive manufacturing platform designed for mass production of end-use polymer parts. Vision-Controlled Jetting (VCJ) delivers high-resolution print capability enabling users to print parts with dimensional accuracy and precision at high volume.
Adia’s Part Sourcing Program opens the door to the advanced world of Inkbit’s 3D printing technology, enabling your business to produce intricate, multi-material parts at an economical price point.
A combination of high throughput, low labor post-processing, and production grade materials makes Inkbit Vista™ an excellent choice for true volume production of additively manufactured parts.
A chemical resistance epoxy material suitable for use with many organic solvents and basic solutions. It also offers high stiffness and tensile strength, retaining its properties up to 120° C.
Download Material Data SheetTEPU 50A is a soft-medium durometer elastomer with a low compression set, excellent UV stability, and strong chemical capability. Suitable for gaskets, grommets, door and window seals, etc.
Download Material Data SheetSpecially formulated for durability, Titan Tough Epoxy 85 delivers enhanced performance for applications that require high accuracy and production-grade mechanical properties.
Download Material Data SheetTEPU 30A is ideal for functional prototyping of rubber or silicone applications requiring a 25-35A shore value, offering a soft-touch feel and 200% elongation at break.
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